'The Racing Horses' by Pierre Gaillardot (circa 1970s)
'The Polo Grounds' by Pierre Gaillardot (circa 1960s)
'The Farm in Normandy' by Pierre Gaillardot (circa 1970s-80s)
'Équitation' by Pierre Gaillardot (circa 1970s - 80s)
'Rugby Five Nations Tournament: Ireland v Wales' by Pierre Gaillardot (circa 1970s)
'The Cyclists' by Pierre Gaillardot (circa 1960s)
'The Grape Harvest' by Pierre Gaillardot (circa 1970s)
'Monte Carlo Tennis Championships' by Pierre Gaillardot (circa 1960s)
'The Beach on the French Riviera' by Pierre Gaillardot (circa 1950s)
'A Day at the Deauville Racetrack' by Pierre Gaillardot (circa 1950s)